Do any of you guys remember this guy?? He used to be on those little educational “commercials” on ABC between the Saturday morning cartoons. He would sing a little ditty “They call me Yuck Mouth ‘cause I don’t brush” Any recollection?
Well you can call me yuck mouth and I DO brush (3 times a day to be exact). I went to the dentist yesterday for the first time in Singapore and the results were NOT GOOD. Now I would not mind had I not made a dentist visit in years but I was an every 6 months visitor in NYC. Especially with my hillbilly bonding constantly falling out (this should have tipped me off that my dentist was a total quack).
So picture it, I am off to the dentist ready for an easy check-up and cleaning only to be told I have not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4 BUT 5 cavities!!! F-I-V-E! This was quite embarrassing as the conversation went something like this upon our first meeting:
Dentist: Hello Miss….
Me: You can call me Jennifer
Dentist: Ok Hello Miss Jennifer
Me: [inside my head] actually just Jennifer…oh just let it go
Dentist: What can I do for you today?
Me: I am just here for a cleaning. My last dentist visit was in September (I must admit this was said with kind of an attitude)
Dentist: Ok lets have a look.
Dentist: oh…oh….oh… umm oh I just don’t know what to tell you.
Me: About?
Dentist: You need a lot of work. You have many problems
Me: Chuckle I don’t think so. I have never had a problem with my teeth
Dentist: these problems could not have developed since September.
Me: I swear that was my last visit..I promise (I actually had my hands clenched in a pleading position…all while wearing some protective tinted goggles..not a good look)
Dentist: (mirror in hand) Let me show you.
Sure enough I was able to see the “shadow of decay” she pointed out on each of the 5 teeth. As soon as I realized she was right I started to freak out. I thought I was going to be on the receiving end of 5 silver fillings and that my mouth would look like railroad tracks when I opened it. I was quickly assured that the fillings would match my teeth. WHEW! So 3 fillings later and $250 (actually not that bad) poorer. I walked out without a cleaning, two more appointments and a new nickname for myself…yuck mouth.
How could this have slipped through the cracks (no pun intended) with the other dentist???
NYer’s: STAY AWAY FROM CENTRAL PARK WEST DENTAL!! JennRob I think you go there too….find another dentist!
Hmm, has anyone ever studied the effects of wine on teeth?
I'd like to make a documentary about this experience. I'd call it "The Shadow of Decay." Maybe we could get the original Yuck Mouth to make an appearance.
I heard Singapore was the dental capital of the world.
you should have taken advantage of the opportunity to get yourself those gold fronts you've been wanting.
seriously though- you got lucky - fillings were about $250 *each* in NYC. i hope they gave you some valium.
Dont worry JenniB...I am a Yuck Mouth too...I have gingivitis!
What?!?!?! I'm looking for a new dentist! Thanks for the heads up babe. Sorry to hear about your 5 cavities, but happy it didn't cost you a fortune!
Hey Yuck mouth,
You are so fortunate to have gotten out of the dental chair owing only $250! I work for a dentist who is pretty fair and for 2 fillings (composite which are the white ones) the cheapest would be $340 and that's assuming they were 1 surface! Good Job!
I know you are not talking about the Central Park West Dental that I went to in NYC on the upper west side!!! They are my favorite dentists EVER!! My experiences there are always great- they are so nice and make me feel like i'm their only patient! Oh and it doesn't hurt that the Dr is really good looking! You should switch to them..promise you won't be upset!
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