Thursday, August 21, 2008

This is Rich...

Below is a excerpt from Singapore's Prime Minister Lee's National Day celebration speech. This was the third point of his speech. I love e. Classic! Transcript in outline form so may read a bit strange.


First step is to find the right partner and get married I am not an expert but consulted those with experience, i.e. the matchmakers. We have SDU, SdS, and many private dating agencies. I talked to several of them. We had a lively exchange and I learnt a lot

Let me summarise the main learning points

a. Many singles do want to get married
They are serious, and not just out to have a good time. But they face difficulties.

b. Some have never dated
Once they start work and settle into a routine, no opportunities to socialise and meet new people

Conversation one matchmaker had with his client

Q: What do you usually do after work?
A: Go to the gym
Q: How about the weekends?
A: Stay at home with family
Q: Do you go out?
A: Yes, bring nieces and nephews out to play
Q: Have you met any new friends in the last week?
A: [Dead silence]
Q: How about the last 1 month?
A: [Dead silence again]

i. Dating agencies say that women in the late 30s have a serious problem

(1) Some men are in their late 30s too

(2) But they are looking for younger women in their 20s

(3) So the older women have difficulties pairing up

ii. Confirmed by what one such lady told me at a dialogue

(1) She had put her career first when she was younger

(2) Later when she wanted to settle down she tried the dating agencies, but had no luck

(3) She regrets her decision now, but still hopes to find someone

d. Good news is that more people are prepared to seek help from dating agencies
. Women are more willing to do so
. Men tend to be more sensitive about their egos

. Most dating agencies have more women than men – 60:40
e. Unfortunately sometimes their social graces are not up to scratch

i. e.g. dating agency arranged for a guy to meet a date

ii. Setting was a romantic dinner at a nice restaurant

iii. But he showed up wearing slippers!

(1) Asked why he did not dress up for the occasion

(2) His reply – this is how I am

(3) After some tactful grooming advice, he made progress and learnt to keep a pair of shoes in the car, and put them on before dates

(4) The couple are now happily married

f. Also need to have realistic expectations

i. Have to make an effort for the relationship to work

ii. Easy to get carried away by romantic images in the movies

(1) Meet someone of your dreams, instantly fall madly in love, get married, live happily ever after

iii. But we are ordinary people in real life

(1) May not have instant sparks on the first date

(2) But take time to discover the person for who he or she is, nurture the relationship, and love may blossom

6. We will do more to help singles get married

a. SDU and SdS are working on this
. They now cater to different markets – graduates and non-graduates
. We should be more flexible
. Will merge SDU and SdS

. Together they will have more critical mass, more activities, and hopefully more pairing up and marriages
b. Some young people prefer to use private dating agencies

i. But they want quality assurance, e.g. to know that it is a reputable dating agency

7. Young people themselves should take the first step, and not leave it too late
. Make time to go out and meet new friends
. Join a dating agency, be it SDU/SdS or a private agency
. You may find someone you are attracted to
. Then you can marry the person you love, and love the person you marry


Anonymous said...

JB - if you had only had these pearls of wisdom years ago. Although then you never would have met Harvey. (But then again, maybe you wouldn't have said that J's cousin looked like your ass!)

Anonymous said...

Too many words for me to read.

Unknown said...

Seriously... that is unreal. What is SDU and SdS?

Anonymous said...

so i shouldn't be wearing slippers on first dates?