Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday's Suck!

Hello. If there is one thing I hate its Monday’s and this one may be one of the worst. It all started about 7:30 pm last night when I got home from lunch and games at a friend’s apartment. There were about 10 of us and we ate, drank and played some games for about 7 hours, needless to say all of us were a bit tipsy as we headed home. As soon as I got home, I grabbed my pillow and blanket and settled on the couch for some Amazing Race Asia. My bodypump teacher is one of the contestants so it makes watching so much more fun. So I was all settled in and immediately fell asleep (passed out). I woke up at 11:30pm all discombobulated. I oriented myself and headed to bed where I spent the next 8 hours tossing and turning UGG! It is one thing to be tired but I have the worst stomach ache…its like someone is sticking needles in my stomach and I may puke at any moment…lovely I know! So I am sitting here just counting down the minutes until I get to leave this place

So the weekend was a good one. After a really horrible week at work, I had holiday dinner on Friday night with my co-workers which was really nice. The evening ended early and I was happy to be on my couch (god I love my couch) in front of the TV at 10:30pm. I was fast asleep at midnight only to be woken up at 2:00am by “Scotty” drunk dialing. I must extend my sincere apologies to those on the receiving end of MY drunken calls….GOD DRUNK DIALING IS ANNOYING! I am making a concerted effort to stop partaking in such activities.

Saturday I actually got some Christmas shopping done only to realize that I have to get all this crap home so the rest of the shopping will be done in NYC. Saturday night was our company Christmas party followed by ZoukOut which I mentioned in a previous post was the rave at the beach.

Ok I just had another wave of “I may just puke on myself” so I am going to stop writing and just include some pics of the weekend.

Me and my co-workers, Wendy and Rachel

Me, Helen, Jaime, Katherine at holiday party
Me & Tessa aka Chinese Molly Ringwald (pic does not do the resembalance justice)

Katherine and Louise at ZoukOut

Hang 10 at the rave...

Me and the Boys (left to right: peter, Darian (is he not the hottest thing) and Ben). I look naked!

Talk to you tomorrow...Pukey McPukester


Jeff said...

i love the pic of you on the surf board. Your hair looks great!

Anonymous said...

is that a new "pose"??? (on the surfboard)i think you've been practicing...

Anonymous said...

You totally look naked. I love it