Of course the beautiful destinations helped to achieve the “best vacation status”..Cambodia, Bangkok and Railey Beach (Thailand). It was the perfect blend of history, culture, shopping, food, sporty activities and pure relaxation! I am going to spread out my review and explanation of the trip over the week so I can relive just a little longer!
LOCATION: Singapore
Days 1-4
Friday, February 15th
I was so excited to welcome my first guests to Singapore! I was all ready, Rita was due to arrive on SATURDAY at 12 something AM with the NYC crew landing at 6:30am on SUNDAY. I had an early dinner with my friend Helen Friday night so I could be well rested for the arrivals on SATURDAY and SUNDAY. I have to mention here that I was so excited to pick everyone up at the airport. In all my 33 years, I have never met anyone before…how exciting!!
So FRIDAY NIGHT around 1am (really SATURDAY) I was fast asleep and my cell phone starts ringing. I thought it was prob some drunk dialing so I turned over and tried to resume my slumber until I heard the message indicator go off so I decided to see who was out and what they wanted. That is when I hear Rita on the message saying that she was at the airport and could not find me… ME: What?? What??? But she is supposed to be here on Saturday! Saturday!! Then I really thought about it and seeing that it was after midnight..it was Saturday WHAT A DUMBASS! So I officially messed up my first airport pick-up! I am such a loser!
Saturday, February 16th
Thankfully Rita was not too upset with me and we were able to enjoy some local food ~ Singapore style.
We headed to the hawker center and enjoyed some BBQ stingray and durian (see pic below). Durian is the strangest fruit you will ever eat. The consistency is that of runny cheese and it smells like dirty gym socks (no kidding it is banned from public transportation) but it is delicious!
Sunday, February 17th
Kelly, Adam, Daniela and Phil (he was in NYC for business) arrived at 6:30am and I am happy to report I was there on time! We all headed back to my condo and settled in before champagne brunch which began at Noon. We had a table for 12 -- a mix of old and new friends and it was fabulous. We ate, drank and drank some more until the brunch concluded at 3:00pm.
Kelly & Daniela at brunch
Me (looking trashed), Alex, Val and Helen
Me and Phil
What do you think we went home??? Nope, we all hoped a water taxi and headed to the Pump Room for some more beverages. The day was beautiful so we sat outside enjoyed the beer (brewed by our friend Alex) and watched as some of the group frolicked in the fountains. NYC crew, see Adam for some video footage of Kelly’s fall and Daniela’s awesome reaction. I can laugh at this one since there was no injuries, however, it is all fun and games until someone breaks or seriously bruises a rib (poor K)
Me, Adam, Rita and Rachel on water taxi
So you think we went home now…kind of! We headed back to my condo where we sat by the pool and drank even more and enjoyed some late night swimming. At one point in the JenniB way, I decided I wanted to make a toast to which my Singapore friend replied, Yes Jenn we know you love us...jeez am I really that predictable??
Monday, February 18th
LAST DAY OF WORK. Needless to say this was one of the worst days of my life!! I was extremely hung over and had to leave Phil, Daniela and Kelly swimming in the pool…BASTARDS!
Thankfully the day went by quickly and all that was left between my fat ass and an airplane seat to Cambodia was a dinner of chili crab and other local favorites..now that I can handle.
Tuesday, February 19th
7:00am flight to Cambodia!
I'm so sad ...
In other news, we went up to Harlem to a party when we got home Saturday evening... and managed to stay out until 6:30 am Sunday morning.
I'm so sad...
sounds like good times! can't wait to hear more...
kelly, i still feel badly about the fountain incident...
adam, i'm sorry i broke your wife's ribs...
i think the near drowning in the railay pool was payback, so can we call it even??? ; )
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