Monday, December 8, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

Happy to report I completed the ½ marathon (21 K/12 miles) and avoided crapping my pants..Thanks Kelly, after reading your comment on the marathon announcement post, I has a recurring nightmare that would happen!

I completed the race in 2 hours and 28 minutes not the best time but certainly not embarrassing either, please note the time does include a bathroom break in an effort to avoid crapping incident! Thanks to Jackie’s advice of stopping at the water stations, drinking a walking a bit, I ran 20 out of the 21K.

All and all it was a fantastic day and I am so happy to have done it. The best part…it was a free pass to eat anything for the rest of the day. Let me tell you I made up for all the years of not eating pasta in that one weekend!!!

Thanks for the well wishes!


rd said...

nice work girl!
maybe you should run in oops i crapped my pants diapers next time.
then you can just cruise through those bathroom breaks.

Nocturnal Admission said...

That is craptastic! I'm so proud of you that I just crapped my pants. oops