Thursday, January 3, 2008

Under Pressure....

I have literally logged-in and out numerous times trying to put together the perfect post-holiday entry, ya know..the perfect balance of fun, sentiment and stupidity but I just can’t do it. All these days not blogging has taken a toll on my creative juices! So I have included a brief holiday photo montage for your enjoyment [cue appropriate montage music here].

CD's Party...the Bank would be proud

Can't forget the male celebrity guests (and Jackie)

Pre-Christmas Football...

Christmas Eve

Dinner with Cali Crew...

New Years Eve

Sorry Turkey...couldn't resist you in your cut throat Pollyanna shirt

The Farewell/Thanksgiving in January Dinner

Ode to Aunt Jenn kid's table where they ate "Asian style". Chris did join the adults!

In closing... I would like to wish all of you a WONDERFUL New Year! Never met a group of people that deserve it more.

Oh and one more tidbit to live by in the new year….
ESP………………E= Energy/S=Smile/P= can learn a lot by watching the Golden Girls (that was for you Mel!)


Jeff said...

Good times! love the Golden Girls quote.

Anonymous said...

ok, seriously - is there a picture on this earth where i DONT look like i'm trying to hold in #2? probably not. It was so good to see you, my soulmate!!

Anonymous said...

JBo! I am so happy that you have such a diverse coterie of friends! The African-American gentleman with the black sweater and blue eyes is HANDSOME! How do you know him?

JenniB said...

Rudi funny you should ask. I met him on the street...he was singing the Christmas classic "Hey Santa"