Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Word of the Week

I should be ashamed of myself! I have been living here for almost four months now and only know how to say one thing in Mandarin. Know wonder I took French I like four times. So right here right now I vow to learn one new word or phrase each week and I am forcing you to learn too.

So the first installment is the only phrase that I have managed to learn and that is:

Thank you! = XieXie 謝謝 (pronounced shea, shea).

Let the learning begin!


JDizzle said...

JenniB, even I knew that one. I watch too many Ang Lee movies.

Jeff said...

Ni neng bang wo ma?!

Nocturnal Admission said...

Mushy Mushy

JDizzle said...

me love you long time.

JenniB said...


I knew you would write that!! What did that mean again.

Jeez tough crowd! I'll be more creative next time.