Sunday, July 8, 2007

Scene from the pantry....
Here’s the scene. It’s Monday morning approximately 9:25 am and I am preparing my second cup of coffee in the pantry when in walks another 18th floor staffer.

Chinese Co-worker (CCW): Good morning

Me: Good morning.

Co-worker: Did you have a nice weekend

Me: I did. You?

CCW: Very relaxing.

Me: (hand extended, biggest “I’m so friendly” smile plastered on my face) I don’t think we have met. I’m Jennifer I jus..(cut off)

CCW: We have already met, remember I came to your desk to introduce myself with ???? (not sure who she said here because I was trying to figure out how I can pretend that I remember). Silence..CCW waiting for a response. Uncomfortable…

Me: Silence. I just couldn’t make anything up I was totally caught.

CCW (I love this): Oh don’t worry about it..we all look alike. You will be able to tell us apart soon enough.

Me: [Nervous laughter] Are you kidding me that she just said that..was she joking or was she totally offended??

Who cares, I am over it. I vow to never be friendly in the pantry again that will show ‘em!

How was everyone’s weekend?


Adam said...

Don't worry JB: Everyone's a little bit racist, sometimes.

Jeff said...

Holy Shit! That's priceless!

You make friends wherever you go.

Jeff said...

This story could only be better if we had a picture of the pantry.

Kitty said...

OMG, This story had me cracking up....

Rudi said...

The question EVERYONE is begging to ask, though, is "Did you leave your employee/building ID in the fridge?"

(Missing you.)