Thursday, August 16, 2007


I seriously hate people and and everything that people do. I hate:

* When people can't pronounce my name and then call me Miss Jennifer
* I hate sales people
* I hate two-faced people
* I hate waiting
* I hate cookie...wait I love cookies but I hate how I feel after eating said cookies...3 today
* I hate missing my friend/family
* I hate accents
* I hate stupid cell phone rings
* I hate when people do not say they are sorry when they bump into you

If you can't tell I am in a horrible/hateful mood today but this venting has made me feel at least a little better... thanks!


Jeff said...

I'm in a rotten mood also. I hate the summer, I hate humidity, I hate working up a sweat just walking two blocks.

JDizzle said...

You tell em Jenny Bockder.