Beautiful huh?? Not only do I look like I just recently killed someone, it looks like chances are I ate them too I look so bloated. The strange thing is I have no idea where this picture came from. Its not my ID pic but must have been taken as soon as I got here since my hair is much shorter now (thank god). Also there is the strange shine on my head like I am being interrogated.
Seeing that the two guys also pictured in the flyer work on my floor, I was pretty certain that this horrible, horrible picture was not being seen on other floors and I thought "hey they see me everyday so my fellow 18th floor staffers know that is a terrible pic" I pretty much forgot about it until Friday. I come back from lunch to this emaill from my good friend Katherine:
To: JennB
From: KH (16th floor)
Subject is: Photo in Pantry
[my heart skipped a can't be]
open email
Hey do you know that your picture is posted in the pantry on the 16th floor...
My response
Oh dear! I thought is was only on 18th. Isn't it horrible?
KH Response
HAHAHA yeah its right on the trading floor. It is pretty bad
In my head TRADING FLOOR!!!!
Me typing furiously to HF on the 15th floor
HF can you do me a favor and go to your there a picture of me in there?
The seconds seemed like hours for her response.
HF response
I don't know anyone on 17 but pretty sure I am there too. Vain I know but did you look at the pic?? You'll notice it says July - August only a couple more days left!
Oh sorry for the poor quality of the photo but I had to rush a take it before anyone came in!
Looks like Singapore's most wanted.
Wow! That looks like a mug shot.
Those pantries sound like interesting places where all manner of things happen.
I love it more than I can say - you should be friends with guy to your right who also relocated move the US.
(Playing in the background)
...cuz ya had a bad day, the camera don't lie...
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