Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What's the meanest thing...

I was having dinner with PH the other night and we were talking about a new friend (actually a JB love interest) that was out with us the previous night. I described this new friend as having no personality and PH’s reaction to that statement was “that is the meanest thing you can say about someone…that they have no personality”. Side note: I am really not kidding though this guy has a big fat ZERO in the personality dept. I tried numerous different conversation topics: work, movies, drinking, sports, travel and there was just no enthusiasm, no funny come backs, nothing interesting at all and I am not the only one who noticed it. Some other comments:

HF: Cute but his lack of personality makes him unattractive (ouch)
PH: Dull
SD: thought he was just shy but I just think he is boring.

Oh I may want to let you know even after all that I ended up kissing him. I have to believe it was only because I was tired of TRYING to make conversation..shame since he is quite cute!

Ok back to the subject of the post, so I thought about PH’s reaction to my zero personality comment and it being the meanest thing you can say about someone and I have to disagree (actually think HF’s was worse). After much thought which included, ugly, lazy, cheap, mean...handsdown I think its stupid. I just think that is awful and not easy to bounce back from. Stupid is something that is not easily changed about ones self.



JDizzle said...

Well you know what Judge Judy says: "Beauty fades but dumb is forever."

Anonymous said...

Hee hee. I heard you were kissing a boy. (But don't get PH in trouble.)

I'd take personality over looks anyday. That's why I'm friends with Jeff.

Kitty said...

I agree, it is far meaner to say someone is stupid. To say someone has no personality, that just means that there personality may not have been shining when you are around them, or they are reluctant to show their true selves.

Stupid is just stupid.